Scientific Publications, Communications and delivrables of the LastStep Project
Scientific Publications
Isothermal Heteroepitaxy of Ge1–xSnx Structures for Electronic and Photonic Applications
Omar Concepción, ,Nicolaj B. Søgaard, Jin-Hee Bae, Yuji Yamamoto, Andreas T. Tiedemann, Zoran Ikonic, Giovanni Capellini, Qing-Tai Zhao, Detlev Grützmacher, Dan Buca, ACS Appl. Electron. Mater., 5, 4, 2268–2275, 2023. DOI: 10.1021/acsaelm.3c00112
Innovative Annealing Technology for Thermally Stable Ni(GeSn) Alloys,
A. Quintero, P. A. Alba, J. -M. Hartmann, P. Gergaud, V. Reboud and P. Rodriguez, 21st International Workshop on Junction Technology (IWJT), Kyoto, Japan, pp. 1-4, 2024. DOI: 10.23919/IWJT59028.2023.10175097.
Advances in GeSn alloys for MIR applications,
V. Reboud, O. Concepción, W. Du, M. El Kurdi, J.M. Hartmann, Z. Ikonic, S. Assali, N. Pauc, V. Calvo, C. Cardoux, E. Kroemer, N. Coudurier, P. Rodriguez, S.-Q. Yu, D. Buca, A. Chelnokov, Photonics and Nanostructures - Fundamentals and Applications, 58, art. no. 101233, 2024. DOI: 10.1016/j.photonics.2024.101233
Modeling and design of GeSn avalanche photodiodes with high tin content for applications at 3.3 µm,
L. Finazzi, R. Giani, O. Concepcion, D. Buca, V. Reboud, G. Isella, A. Tosi, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, pp. 1-9, 2024. DOI: 10.1109/JSTQE.2024.3439495
Impact of flows, temperature and pressure on the GeSn growth kinetics with a digermane and tin tetrachloride chemistry,
J.M. Hartmann , T. Marion, Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing, 169, art. no. 107893, 2024. DOI: 10.1016/j.mssp.2023.107893
Use of Nanosecond Laser Annealing for Thermally Stable Ni(GeSn) Alloys,
A. Quintero, P.A. Alba, J.-M., Hartmann, D. Cooper, P. Gergaud, V. Reboud, P. Rodriguez, IEEE Journal of the Electron Devices Society, 11, pp. 687 - 694, 2023. DOI: 10.1109/JEDS.2023.3332094
Room Temperature Lattice Thermal Conductivity of GeSn Alloys,
O. Concepción, J. Tiscareño-Ramírez, A.A. Chimienti, T. Classen, A.A. Corley-Wiciak, A. Tomadin, D. Spirito, D. Pisignano, P. Graziosi, Z. Ikonic, Q.T. Zhao , D. Grützmacher , G. Capellini, S. Roddaro, M. Virgilio, D. Buca, ACS Applied Energy Materials, 7 (10), pp. 4394 - 4401, 2024. DOI: 10.1021/acsaem.4c00275
Enhancing the Detectivity of Direct Bandgap Ge0.86Sn0.14 Photodiodes by Layer Transfer,
C. Cardoux , E. Kroemer , L. Casiez , M. Frauenrath, N. Pauc , V. Calvo, S. Assali , J.M. Hartmann , N. Coudurier , P., Rodriguez, J. Chrétien, J. Widiez, O. Gravrand, A. Chelnokov, V. Reboud, IEEE International Conference on Group IV Photonics GFP, 2024. DOI: 10.1109/SiPhotonics60897.2024.10544244
Ex-situ n-type doped carrier-injection layers in direct bandgap GeSn LEDs,
L. Casiez, C. Cardoux, P. Acosta Alba, N. Bernier, J. Richy, N. Pauc, V. Calvo, N. Coudurier, P. Rodriguez, O. Concepción, D. Buca, M. Frauenrath, J.M. Hartmann , A. Chelnokov, V. Reboud, Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing, 182, art. no. 108654, 2024. DOI: 10.1016/j.mssp.2024.108654A.
Continuous-wave electrically pumped multi-quantum-well laser based on group-IV semiconductors
Lukas Seidel, Teren Liu, Omar Concepción, Bahareh Marzban, Vivien Kiyek, Davide Spirito, Daniel Schwarz, Aimen Benkhelifa, Jörg Schulze, Zoran Ikonic, Jean-Michel Hartmann, Alexei Chelnokov, Jeremy Witzens, Giovanni Capellini, Michael Oehme, Detlev Grützmacher & Dan Buca, Nat Commun 15, 10502 (2024).
Presentations and Prices
Presentations of three posters with acknowledgment to LastStep.
Press release : The Last Missing Piece of Silicon Photonics
International research team presents first electrically pumped continuous-wave semiconductor laser suitable for seamless silicon integration
Combining GeSn photonic layers with SiN stressor for advanced infrared laser designs and performances
Moustafa El Kurdi, Andjelika Bjelajac, G. Patriarche, Nicolas Pauc, Vincent Calvo, Alexei Chelnokov, Vincent Reboud, Jean-Michel Hartmann, Dan Buca, ISTDM ICSI 2023
GeSn/SiGeSn micro-rings laser diodes on Si
Teren Liu, Lukas Seidel, Bahareh Marzban, Jeremy Witzens, Giovanni Capellini, Michael Oehme, Detlev Grützmacher and Dan Buca, ISTDM ICSI 2023.
Thermoelectric properties of GeSn alloys
D. Buca, ISTDM ICSI 2023.
Ex-situ n-type doped carrier-injection layers in direct bandgap GeSn LEDs
L. Casiez, C. Cardoux, M. Frauenrath, P. Acosta Alba, N. Bernier, N. Pauc, V. Calvo, N. Coudurier, P. Rodriguez, O. Concepción Díaz, D. Buca, J.M. Hartmann, A. Chelnokov,V. Reboud, ISTDM ICSI 2023.
Isothermal heteroepitaxy of Ge1-xSnx structures for electronic and photonic applications
Omar Concepción, Nicolaj B. Søgaard, Jin-Hee Bae, Andreas T. Tiedemann, Yuji Yamamoto, Zoran Ikonic, Giovanni Capellini, Qing T. Zhao, Dan Buca, and Detlev Grützmacher, ISTDM ICSI 2023.
Temperature dependence of Raman scattering in Ge and GeSn layers
Diana Ryzhak, Agnieszka Anna Corley-Wiciak, Marvin Hartwig Zoellner, Omar Concepción, Costanza Lucia Manganelli, Oliver Skibitzki1, Dan Buca2, Giovanni Capellini, and Davide Spirito, ISTDM ICSI 2023.
Polarized-resolved Raman scattering of epitaxially grown GeSn layers with various Sn content
Agnieszka Anna Corley-Wiciak, Shunda Chen, Omar Concepción, Marvin Hartwig Zoellner, Detlev Grützmacher, Dan Buca, Tianshu Li, Giovanni Capellini, Davide Spirito, ISTDM ICSI 2023.
Group-IV Ge1-xSnx alloys: growth challenge and isothermal heteroepitaxy for electronic, photonic, and energy harvesting applications
Omar Concepción, Nicolaj B. Søgaard, P. Kaul, Jin-Hee Bae, Yuji Yamamoto, Andreas T. Tiedemann, Zoran Ikonic, Giovanni Capellini, Qing T. Zhao, Dan Buca, and Detlev Grützmacher